The McLeod Institute of Simulation Sciences (MISS)

Annual Meeting

July 20, 2003, Montreal, PQ, Canada

3:00-6:00 pm


1) Welcome and introduction

2) Revision of the Agenda

3) Presentations of the Annual Reports
- Calgary Center, Rouen-INSA Center, Hamburg Center, Hungarian Center, Genoa Center, Latvian Center, Chico Center, Old Dominion Center, Ottawa Center
- Other Centers represented (with their annual reports)

4) The case of the Centers which did not submit their annual reports for 2001-2002 and 2002-2003. Your recommendations?
* Belgium, Ghent ---- Belgium Center
* Canada, Sudbury, ON --- Sudbury Center
* Italy, Napoli --- Napoli Center
* Poland, Warsaw --- Polish Center
* UK, Edinburgh --- Edinburgh Center
* UK, Leicester --- Leicester Center

5) How should we surpass ourselves?
-Your recommendations for the future of the MISS.
- Should we boost our (joint) activities? If, yes, which activities and how?

6) Your recommendations for the Web site(s) of MISS (and the Centers)

7) Proposed PaP for the MISS. Your views on it.

8) Proposed PaP for M&SNet and its difference from the MISS. Your views on it.

9) Other

10) Adjurn

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