Annual Report of the

International McLeod Institute of Simulation Sciences Hungarian Center

and the Gyor Center




On the initiative of professor Tuncer Oren, director of the MISS network, the Hungarian Satellite Center has been renamed “Gyor Center” referring to the city at the University of which (the Szechenyi Istvan Istvan University) it is, where it is located. The activities of the Centers – working in close connection – consist basically of two areas, i.e. research and education in simulation. The close connection is promoted by the fact that Prof. Andras Javor director of the Hungarian Center is associate director of the Gyor Center.


Research activities


1)      The methodological research in applying AI in simulation by using intelligent demons (a special class of high level agents) and Knowledge Attributed Petri Nets (KAPN) is continued. An R&D work has been started to elaborate a further development of KAPNs incorporating also inference engines and intervening actors into the tokens thereby realizing mobile intelligent elements. The implementation of these properties into the CASSANDRA simulation system is in progress and the first results are being published.


2)      Both at the Hungarian MISS Center and the Gyor Center the application of simulation is aimed at various fields and especially to interdisciplinary, economic and conflict resolving problems.


3)      Professor Keresztes director of the Gyor Center is active in the field of symbolic simulation, software and hardware simulation.




In the Spring of 2003 we have successfully completed the EU 5th framework program Open Framework for Simulation of Transport Strategies and Assessment, where the Hungarian project leader was Prof. Dr. Andras Javor director of MISS/Hungary and coworkers of our Center were participating in the project. In this project the other countries that participated were Spain, France, U.K., Germany and Belgium.


We have been active in a research project lasting 3 years (2002-2004) sponsored by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund. The topic of the project is: “Investigation of Intelligent – Mobile and Static – Agent Controlled Simulation Methodologies for Multidisciplinary Problem Solving”.


We have completed a research project cooperating with an institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – sponsored by national funds – dealing with the development of regions and an other similar project is in preparation.


We intend to mention that we have been invited to participate in two EU projects of the 6th  Framework program the project proposals of which have been submitted.




The simulation courses taught by the personal of the Hungarian MISS Center and the Gyor Center were the following:


At the Budapest University of Technology and Economics:

  • Modeling and Simulation in Economy
  • Promoting Decision Making and Management by Simulation


At the Szechenyi Istvan University:

  • Methodology and Application of Simulation


There are 5 Ph.D. students working on their thesis at the Hungarian MISS Center. They are actively taking part in the different research projects.


After having defended his Ph.D. thesis the staff member of the Center Gabor Szucs has been nominated assistant professor of the University.


At the Szechenyi Istvan University the accreditation of an interdisciplinary doctoral school is in progress within which a simulation doctoral program is to be established under the leadership of Prof. Andras Javor.


Center simulation tools


The main tool we apply in our research projects as well as in education is the AI controlled simulation system CASSANDRA (Cognizant Adaptive Simulation System for Applications in Numerous Different Relevant Areas) 3.0 we have developed in the recent years. (The CASSANDRA system has been applied in numerous international projects in various fields of application and its main features are outlined in the courses taught as mentioned above.)


Another tool is the PASION simulation system developed at the MISS Center of Mexico and provided by courtesy of Prof. Dr. Stanislaw Raczynski director of the Center.


By the courtesy of Prof. Dr. Bernd Schmidt from the University of Passau we have obtained the simulation system SIMPLEX II as freeware.


Beyond CASSANDRA 3.0 developed by us we have already used the other two software systems as well.


By courtesy of Incontrol Simulation Software BV we have received the student version of their simulation tool Enterprise Dynamics.



Center highlights


The Center intends to combine basic research of simulation methodologies coupled tightly with applications in various fields. Our approach is that we aim at finding solutions to problems arising in practical problem solving where the existing solutions are inadequate. In the past we have been participating in various projects, that we intend to continue. On the other hand we intend to get the students involved in the research work.


The main area of simulation we are active in is discrete simulation combined with artificial intelligence. The possible field of applications is rather wide. There are however some areas in which we already have been active or intend to be active in the near future. These priority areas are; flexible manufacturing systems, traffic, logistics, conflict resolution, micro and macro economy, development of regions. We are however open to undertake simulation in other application fields as well where our expertise and tools can be applied efficiently.


The direction in which we intend to work is the simulation of ill-defined systems with particular emphasis on economic and multidisciplinary problems. Our approach where we expect new results is the solution of the model reconstruction problem where our demon (agent) controlled simulation system can be applied with success and new scientific and practical results can be expected. Our first results have already been obtained in the field of the development of regions mentioned already above among the projects.



Center publications


Javor, A., Meszaros-Komaromy, G.: Investigation of the Influence of the Road Traffic

            Network Conditions on the Development of Regions by Means of AI

            Controlled Simulation

            AIS’2002, Lisbon, Portugal, April 7-10, 2002. 86-90.

Dr. Javor, A.: The Application of Simulation for the Investigation of Systems in

            Economy and the Promotion of Decision Making (in Hungarian)

GIKOF Journal I(2), December 2002. 22.

Meszaros-Komaromy, G.: Simulation of Economy? (in Hungarian)

GIKOF Journal I(2), December 2002. 23-29.

Csik, B.: The Study of the Market Environment of Enterprises by Simulation

(in Hungarian)

GIKOF Journal I(2), December 2002. 30-36.

Varga, A.: The Application of Simulation for Economic Problems in

Telecommunication (in Hungarian)

GIKOF Journal I(2), December 2002. 37-45.

Javor, A., Szucs, G.: A Methodology for the Determination of the Models of Soft

Systems by Means of Intelligent Agents

Periodica Polytechnica (in publication)

Meszaros-Komaromy, G.: Simulation as a Tool to Promote Decision Making

in the Development of Regions

Periodica Polytechnica (in publication)

Csík, B: Simulation of Competitive Market Situations using Intelligent Agents

Periodica Polytechnica (in publication)

Meszaros-Komaromy, G.: Simulation of the Choice of Bank Offices using a High-Level Petri Net

EURO/INFORMS Istanbul 2003 Conference (in publication)

Javor, A., Meszaros-Komaromy, G.: Simulation using Intelligent Mobile Agents

            Summer Simulation Multiconference, Montreal, Canada, July 20-25, 2003.

            (in publication)

Szucs, G.: Runlength Control in Multiparameter Simulation (in Hungarian)
            Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of 
            Information and Knowledge Management, Budapest, 2002. February, 
Szucs, G.: Informatics of Decision Theory (in Hungarian)
            Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of 
            Information and Knowledge Management, Budapest, 2002. September, 
Szucs, G.: Case-Base Reasoning and Clusteranalysis (in Hungarian)
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Information and Knowledge Management, Budapest, 2003. March, 133-144. 



Budapest, July 1, 2003





                                                            Prof. Andras Javor Ph.D.,D.Sc.

                                                     Director of the Hungarian MISS Center

                                                      Associate director of the Gyor Center