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Centers of the MISSMcLeod Institute of Simulation Sciences22 Centers and 5 Satellite Centers in over 15 Countries World-Wide |
Center Reports |
Country | City |
Center’s name Center’s institutional home Center’s Web address |
Director Co-Director(s) E-mails |
Austria | Vienna |
Vienna Center Technical University of Vienna info.tuwien.ac.at/histu/pers/10668.html |
Prof. Felix Breitenecker fbreiten@email.tuwien.at Prof. Dietmar P.F. Moeller, Ph.D. dietmar.moeller@informatik.uni-hamburg.de |
Brazil | Rio de Janeiro |
Rio de Janeiro Center Universidad Federal of Rio de Janeiro, LAMCE, COPPE www.lamce.coppe.ufrj.br |
Prof.Luiz Landau landau@lamce.ufrj.br Prof.Gerson Cunha gerson@lamce.ufrj.br |
Canada | Calgary, AL |
Calgary Center University of Calgary warp.cpsc.ucalgary.ca |
Prof Brian Unger, Ph.D. unger@icore.ca Prof. Ralph C. HuntsingerPh.D drralph@ecst.csuchico.edu |
Canada | Ottawa, ON |
Ottawa Center
University of Ottawa & Carleton University www.site.uottawa.ca/~oren/SCS_OC-MISS/index.htm |
Prof. Tuncer Ören, Ph.D. oren@site.uottawa.ca Prof. Gabriel Wainer, Ph.D. Gwainer@sce.carleton.ca Prof. Azzedine Boukerche, Ph.D. boukerch@site.uottawa.ca |
China, P.R. | Beijing |
Chinese BUAA Center Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics dept3.buaa.edu.cn |
Honorary Director: Prof. Chuanyuan Wen cywen@cs.sebuaa.ac.cn Director: Prof. Bo Hu Li Bohuli@moon.bjnet.edu.cn Co-Vice-Director: Prof. Xinreng Wang Wxr@dept3.buaa.edu.cn Co-Vice-Director: Associate Prof. Guanghon Gong ggh@dept3.buaa.edu.cn |
France | Marseille |
Marseille LSIS Center Laboratoire des Sciences de L'Information et des Systemes www.lsis.org |
Prof. Norbert Giambiasi, Ph.D. norbert.giambiasi@lsis.org Prof. Claudia Frydman, Ph.D. claudia.frydman@lsis.org |
France | Rouen |
Rouen INSA Center National Institute of Applied Sciences psiserver.insa-rouen.fr/psi |
Prof. Mhamed Itmi itmi@insa-rouen.fr Prof. Jean-Pierre Pecuchet, Ph.D. pecuchet@insa-rouen.fr |
Germany | Hamburg |
Hamburg Center The Technical University of Hamburg www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/TIS |
Prof. Dietmar P.F. Moeller, Ph.D. dietmar.moeller@informatik.uni-hamburg.de Prof. Felix Breitenecker fbreiten@email.tuwien.at |
Hungary | Budapest |
Hungarian Center Budapest University of Technology and Economics www.kornygazd.bme.hu/mcleod |
Prof. Andras Javor, Ph.D. javor@eik.bme.hu |
Hungary | Budapest |
INFOTA Satellite Center INFOTA Research Institute of the Foundation for Information Society www.infota.org |
Dr. Ferenc Kiss kiss.ferenc@infota.org |
Italy | Genoa |
Genoa Center The University of Genoa st.itim.unige.it/mcleod |
Prof. Agostino G. Bruzzone agostino@itim.unige.it Prof. Roberto Mosca roberto@itim.unige.it |
Italy | Perugia |
Perugia Center The University of Perugia dismac.dii.unipg.it/~miss/ |
Prof.Stefano Saetta stefano.saetta@unipg.it Dr.Marina Massei marina.massei@liophant.org |
Latvia | Riga |
Latvian Center Riga Technical University www.itl.rtu.lv/mik |
Prof. Yuri Merkuryev, Dr.habil.sc.eng. merkur@itl.rtu.lv Prof. Galina Merkuryeva, Dr.sc.ing., Dr.sc.eng. gm@itl.rtu.lv |
Mexico D.F. | Mexico City |
UNAM Center Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico ideo.fi-p.unam.mx |
Prof. Idalia Flores idalia@servidor.unam.mx Prof. Rubén Tellez rts7@correo.unam.mx |
Poland | Bialystok |
Bialystok Center Technical University of Bialystok www.wi.pb.bialystok.pl/ |
Prof Leon Bobrowski leon@ibib.waw.pl Prof. Ralph Huntsinger drralph@ii.pb.bialystok.pl Prof.Zenon Sosnowksi zenon@ii.pb.bilystok.pl Walenty Oniszczuk, Ph.D. walenty@ii.pb.bialystok.pl |
Spain | Barcelona |
Spanish Center Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, System Engineering Dept. tes.uab.es/MISS |
Prof.Miquel Angel Piera miquel@sunaut.uab.es Prof.Antony Guasch aguasch@iri.upc.es |
UK | Leicester |
DeMontfort Center DeMontfort University www.dmu.ac.uk/cse/eng_and_tech/index.jsp |
Prof Marwan M Al-Akaidi, Ph.D. mma@dmu.ac.uk |
USA | Chico, CA |
Chico Center California State University, Chico www.ecst.csuchico.edu/~mcleod |
Prof. Roy E. Crosbie, Ph.D. rcrosbie@csuchico.edu Prof. Ralph C. Huntsinger, Ph.D drralph@ecst.csuchico.edu Prof. John Zenor jzenor@csuchico.edu |
USA | Suffolk, VA |
Old Dominion Center Old Dominion University www.vmasc.odu.edu |
Prof.John Sokolowski, Ph.D. JSokolow@odu.edu |
Country | City |
Center’s name Center’s institutional home Center’s Web address |
Director Co-Director(s) E-mails |
Belgium | Ghent |
Belgium Center University of Ghent Applied Mathematics, Biometrics and Process Control Department biomath.ugent.be |
Prof. Ghislain Vansteenkiste, Ph.D. Ghislain.Vansteenkiste@rug.ac.be |
Canada | Sudbury, ON |
Sudbury Center Laurentian University www.cs.laurentian.ca/oabourabia |
Prof. Osman Abou Rabia, Ph.D. osman@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca | |
Italy | Napoli |
Napoli Center Italian National Research Institute - Napoli www.ibb.cnr.it |
Mario Savastano, MS, Research Engineer mario.savastano@tin.it | |
Poland | Warsaw |
Polish Center Polish Academy of Sciences www.ippt.gov.pl |
Prof Roman Bogacz, Ph.D. rbogacz@ippt.gov.pl Prof Bobrowski Leon leon@ibib.waw.pl | |
Poland | Radom |
Radom Satellite Center Technical University of Radom www.pr.radom.pl |
Prof Zygumunt Strzyzakowski zstrz@data.pl Zbigniew Seta, Ph.D. | |
Poland | Gdansk |
Gdansk Satellite Center Technical University of Gdansk www.task.gda.pl |
Jaroslaw Rybicki, Ph.D. ryba@task.gda.pl Piotr Doerffer, Ph.D., D.Sc. doerffer@imp.gda.pl | |
UK | Edinburgh |
Edinburgh Center University of Edinburgh www.dcs.ed.ac.uk |
Rob Pooly, Ph.D. rjp@dcs.ed.ac.uk |